Paolo Murri

A fantastic journey

A fantastic journey

Memories, adventures, loves, and tragedies that made every holiday in the magical Southeast Asia special and unforgettable.

I pack my backpack before a new departure, returning with my memory to the holidays of many years ago. Chapter after chapter, I let the memories resurface, reliving each moment as stages of a long journey.

The search for adventure, the desire to escape everyday life, and the thirst for new experiences will take me from the remote forests of the Golden Triangle to the remnants of ancient Khmer civilizations. From the sunny beaches of the Andaman Islands, I will sail shimmering seas, meeting friends with whom I will roam the alleys of Bangkok. I will live endless nights between tender embraces and interminable journeys on rickety trains. I will risk my life in some dilapidated hotel, abandon myself in the bed of a truck, and get lost on a motorbike in the jungle with a friend. I will see incredible places and live unique emotions that, for better or worse, will remain forever in my heart.

Year after year, I have traveled through this fascinating country, meeting exceptional people and discovering unimaginable places. These are the ingredients of my journey: a path between past and present, always at a brisk pace.

“A Fantastic Journey” is a tribute to the beauty and diversity of Thailand, but also an invitation to set off without fear and lose oneself in the world, because “every journey changes your life and usually improves it.”

Paolo Murri


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