Privacy Policy of

We aim to protect the privacy of each of our users and therefore ask you to read and approve this information on the processing of personal data. This notice (“Privacy Policy”), provided in accordance with EU Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”), allows users browsing the site to understand how their personal information is managed, enabling them to give explicit and informed consent to the processing of personal data where necessary, and in general provides information regarding the personal data processing activities carried out by in the course of its business.

Before submitting any kind of information and/or personal data through the contact form or the quote request forms, we invite you to carefully read this policy. If you do not accept the terms of this Privacy Policy, you are invited to leave the Site and not to use its content and services in any case.

This information is provided only for the Site and not for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links.

Definition of Personal Data Processing

Personal data processing refers to any operation or set of operations, performed even without the aid of electronic tools, concerning the collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, deletion, and destruction of data, even if not registered in a database.

Data Controller

The data controller of personal data is Paolo Murri, reachable via the contact form on the Contacts page.

Types of Personal Data Processed

In the course of its business, processes identifying and contact personal data, including, for example, name, surname, residential address, email address, and phone number.

These personal data may be collected by through interaction with the site via the completion of the contact form or quote request forms.

Following your subscription to the mailing list through the appropriate form and/or by ticking the acceptance consent box, may process your email address as part of its promotional activities via Newsletter.

Purposes of Data Processing

In the course of its business, processes personal data for purposes related to the requested services or linked to the production, distribution, promotion, advertising, and sale of its products and services.

In particular, personal data are processed for the following purposes:
– To respond to requests for information about its products (including quotes, technical and/or commercial information, also sent via the contact form on its website);
– To fulfill contractual obligations and, in general, to manage relationships with its business partners and other entities it interacts with in the course of its business (including its customers and suppliers);
– To comply with legal obligations, including accounting and tax requirements, as well as to protect its prerogatives and manage any disputes.

With consent, uses the provided email address for newsletter subscription to send promotional communications related to its activities and products.

Providing the requested personal data for the above purposes, as well as granting consent for the relevant processing (where necessary), is optional. However, refusal to provide such data may result in the inability of to provide the requested services.

Legal Basis for Data Processing processes personal data in the course of its business to establish a potential commercial relationship (and therefore for the execution of pre-contractual measures), as well as to perform contracts to which is a party, as provided by art. 6, lett. b), of the GDPR.

The email address provided at the time of newsletter subscription is used by based on your consent to the processing of such personal data for the promotional purposes described above, as provided by art. 6, lett. a), of the GDPR.

All personal data may also be processed to ensure compliance with legal obligations to which is subject, as provided by art. 6, lett. c), of the GDPR. processes personal data in the course of its business also based on its legitimate interest in carrying out commercial activities, efficient management, and organization of its business, as well as protecting its rights, including managing disputes, as provided by art. 6, lett. f), of the GDPR.

Methods of Data Processing

Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. has adopted technical solutions and security measures to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent their alteration, loss, improper processing, or unauthorized access.

Communication of Personal Data

The personal data collected and stored in the Company’s databases are accessible to the employees and/or collaborators of, or to persons in charge of processing such data (“Data Processors”). may use third-party companies and individuals to perform certain activities on its behalf (e.g., data hosting, newsletter sending, goods delivery). These entities have access only to the personal data necessary to perform their tasks on behalf of the Company and have been selected as they are considered to have adequate experience, capability, and reliability and are deemed suitable to ensure full compliance with current privacy regulations.

Third-party companies that carry out processing activities on behalf of the Company have been appointed as “Data Processors.” The user can request the list of Data Processors by writing via the contact form on the Contacts page.

With regard to the communication scope of personal data, the personal data provided by the user or otherwise collected may be communicated to the following entities or categories of entities: (i) public administrations, to fulfill obligations provided by law, regulations, or national or community legislation; (ii) parent companies, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Company; (iii) other companies or individuals contractually bound to the Company and specifically appointed to process personal data on behalf of the Company.

Retention Period of Personal Data

The personal data processed in the course of’s activities are retained for the time necessary to achieve the specific purposes of each processing and to ensure compliance with applicable legal regulations.

Regarding personal data processed for the fulfillment of contracts, they are retained for 10 years from the conclusion of the same, with the possibility of extending this period if their retention is necessary to ensure the protection of’s prerogatives, for example, to manage any disputes and prevent abuses.

The personal data processed in the context of the management and keeping of company accounting records are retained for the time necessary to fulfill tax obligations and to retain accounting records.

The email address provided for newsletter subscription will be used and retained by until a possible cancellation request by the user, also automatically via the cancellation link contained in the newsletters.

Rights of the Data Subjects

Data subjects have the right to exercise, at any time, all the rights provided by Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR, including the right to obtain confirmation of the existence of such data and to know their content and origin, verify their accuracy or request their integration or updating, or rectification.

Data subjects also have the right to request the deletion, anonymization, or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, and to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons in any case.

Additionally, pursuant to art. 7, paragraph 3, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, data subjects can exercise their right to withdraw consent at any time (provided by selecting the consent flag or through another similar means of confirmation), without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Requests should be addressed via email through the contact form.

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